Dear Gillette,
please stick to selling razors and NOT emasculating the males of the world. I
will not jump on some silly boycott of a good product, but let’s not pretend
this is about the MeToo movement. This is marketing 101, you just saved
millions in advertising.
What do I like about it? It has the whole nutty right
wing anger idiots up in arms! What don’t I like, emasculating men. I am all for
equal rights and treating women with respect. I am not for doing that at the
cost of masculinity. We all get sexual harassment is bad. Sexual assault also
bad, we do not need a shaving company to tell us this. The douche bags out
doing these things aren’t going to give a rats ass if a razor company makes an
ad about it. Hell they are likely just gonna say something like we are
boycotting this product! Looking at James Woods here. The boys will be boys attitude doesn't fly here. NO one should get a pass and all decent men know this. The fact is you hear and see it all the time. I say a ton of shit at work to the ladies in jest. First off they always know it is in jest and I know the limits. We have another guy who crosses the line sometimes and everyone lets him know. He quickly apologizes and the world carries on. Honestly if someone was being assaulted, most every male I know would intervene. But thank you Gillette for thinking the worst of men.
BUT let’s be honest, boy
will be boys. Girls are going to want to play with princesses, boys GI Joe.
They will be rougher than girls. They will rough
house, when a group of guys get together there might be fighting. Whats wrong
with that? Is it worse than girls being nice to the face but talking shit
behind other women's backs? Our testosterone does this, now a razor company is telling us this isn't right. So years of evolution nah, a razor company knows better. If it is bullying teach your kid not to be a douche.
Also instead of pretending we are going to get rid of bullying, let’s teach our
children to stand up to and deal with bullies. Making everyone weaker isn't actually making anything better....
Another thing I need to ask, do
women not want manly men? I am asking an honest question here. Like you always
hear the age old “Pretty girls with assholes” that might be toxic masculinity.
But the reason they are with these guys is they make them feel safe. If you are
100% honest with yourself MOST females are going to want the guy who knows how
to change a tire, shoot a gun, play a sport over a weepy emo boy. When you are moving, is it the self righteous prius driver you call or the rough around the edges guy with the pick up. I am not saying you must be MANLY at all times. The whole guys don't talk thing is bullshit. Open, honest communication with someone, anyone is healthy. Be it a wife, a good friend everyone, even macho man needs a healthy outlet. That doesn't mean being a blubbering mess. I can freely admit I don't have the same respect for a man who breaks down in public. Men are the rocks in the world, women have always been the comfort. When a child cries out it is usually for mom. When they are afraid it is dad they want. There is nothing wrong with that and I don't know why people feel now that it isn't right.
Lastly the MeToo movement.... Like most good ideas it got fucking hijacked. I feel bad for the women who are actual victims. Worse now that feminazis have jumped on board. What are the lines anymore? Can I offer you a drink or is that crossing it. I heard a recent study say 25% think offering to buy a drink is going to far! If a woman I know looks nice, smells good or something I will let them know. Not in a creeper way, but just a compliment. Is this too far? I was under the impression people liked to hear when they looked nice.
I could go on and on but I won't. However this does give me a few more ideas for blogs for the future.... My point is Gillette didn't do this out of some sense to make the world a better place. They are just smarter than most when it comes to advertising. They realized a good controversy and some social media they will have everyone talking. Also that the world has gone crazy, we are aiming to emasculate men in some attempt to make the world a better place. I may be backwards or old fashioned but I find this trend disturbing.
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